The Presidential Library's video lecture to be dedicated to the era and personality of Ivan the Terrible
On March 26, 2024 at 11:00 (Moscow time) a discussion entitled “Ivan the Terrible” will take place in the Presidential Library as part of the video lecture Knowledge of Russia.
The first Russian Tsar, Ivan IV (1530–1584), was in power for more than fifty years. His reign ended 440 years ago. Under him, the Russian state was radically transformed.
The 16th century is one of the most important periods in Russian history. At this time, an extensive bureaucratic apparatus continued to form in the Moscow state, and the territory of the state expanded due to the annexation of Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia. A new set of laws appears - the Code of Laws of 1550, the Streltsy army is formed, and book printing is actively developing.
The era of Ivan the Terrible arouses keen interest among writers, poets, and historians, who often turn in their works not only to a description of Russia in the 16th century, but also to the personality of the sovereign. When creating works of art about the tsar, Russian writers relied on such historical sources as the correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with A. M. Kurbsky, Russian chronicles, and notes from foreigners. The development of the image of Ivan the Terrible in literature was greatly influenced by N. M. Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State” published in 1816–1829. This work for the first time introduced the Russian public in detail to the image of the Tsar.
Problems of the past help to better understand the realities of modern life. Ivan the Terrible is a multifaceted personality; he occupies an important place in the historical memory of the Russian people. The meaning of any event and the significance of a historical figure can be rethought, which is what happened with the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV.
The video lecture will be held in a discussion format. Experts in the study of pre-Petrine Rus' will answer questions from listeners. The discussion will be attended by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg Adrian Selin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Slavic and Balkan Countries of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University Alexander Filyushkin, Research Fellow of the Department manuscripts and rare books of the State Museum of the History of Religion Igor Prokhorenkov.
The video lecture is free. The meeting will be broadcast on the Presidential Library’s portal in Live Broadcasts section in accordance with the program of live events, on the Rutube-channel of the institution, as well as on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.
The Presidential Library's portal features the electronic collection Ivan IV (1530–1584), dedicated to the biography, activities and environment of the Grand Duke and the first Tsar of the Moscow State. The collection includes archival documents: letters, chronicles, scribe books, legislative acts, decisions of the church council, memorable speeches of the sovereign himself, his correspondence, works of contemporaries and even works of folklore of the 16th century. In addition, one can learn about historical works, abstracts of dissertations, collections of documents, video lectures, visual and cartographic materials.
Accreditation of media representatives is until 12:00 March 25, 2024.
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