Monument "Eternal Glory to Soldiers-Countrymen" in the village of Kachonka, Nagorsk district, Kirov region

Monument "Eternal glory to warriors-countrymen" in the village of Kachonka, Nagorsk district, Kirov region: [photo]. - Electronic data (1 file: 0.6 MB). - Kachonki, Kirov region, May 19, 2009. -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
aThe information on the photo is provided by the "Centralized Library System" of the Nagorsk district of the Kirov region. Location: Kachonki village (Kirov region).
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The monument "Eternal glory to warriors-fellow-countrymen" in the village of Kachonka was established in 1979, on the initiative of residents of nearby villages and chairman of the village council Zinaida Fedorovna Kachina . It is built by Claudius Maksimovich Torkunov. The monument consists of three vertical plates with carved names of fallen soldiers. Above the central plate there is a metal star, under the list of surnames is an image of a fluttering red ribbon, with a star, a sickle and a hammer in the middle. The monument is fenced, a concrete path is laid for laying flowers .
I. "Centralized library system" of the Nagorsk district of the Kirov region (Nagorsk settlement). II. "Victory is one for all", the project. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Kirov region (collection). 5. Kirov region: pages of history (collection). 6. Victory is one for all (draft). 7. The Great Patriotic War - Perpetuation of memory - Kirov region - 1941-1945 - Photographs. 8. Documentary photographs.
BBC 63.3 (2) 622y611
BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Kir) 64-7я611
Source of electronic copy: Centralized Library System of Nagorsk district, Kirov region
Location on the original: ЦБС Нагорского района Kirov region
Catalogue object