Judicial regulations on November 20, 1864, supplemented by all later legalizations and clarified on the decisions of the cassati...

    Russia. Laws and regulations.
Judicial regulations on November 20, 1864, supplemented by all later legalizations and clarified on the decisions of the cassation departments of the Governing Senate, with the inclusion of the text of all articles of the Code of Law, which are made in the statutes of exile; with the enclosure of the full Statute on the notarial part and the date indicator for litigants, defendants and witnesses. - Pocket (unofficial) edition. - Moscow: in the printing house of Bakhmetev, 1869. - 764, XXIV p. ; 19 cm. -
Without title page.
Contains: Index of terms for litigants, defendants and witnesses; Regulations on notarial part .
1. Power (collection). 2. Judicial reform of 1864 (collection). 3. Judicial reform - Russia - 1864 - Documents and materials. 4. Judicial proceedings - Russia - 19th century. - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (2) 52-3ю1
ББК 67.3 (2) 52ю1
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher в типографии Бахметева
Catalogue object