About the institution
Formal name of the institution
Presidential Order of June 18, 2007 "On the establishment of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library"
The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 1189 of December 28, 2011
The Charter of the Federal Government Budgetary Institution "Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library"
First and second names of the key administrative personnel, positions
The structure of the Presidential Library
Institution's activity
Types of provided services. Chapter II, paragraphs 22-25 of the Charter
License to implement educational activity
Order No. 203 dated December 28, 2024 "On Amendments to the Accounting Policy"
Accounting policy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library"
Order No. 121 dated August 21, 2024, "On Approval of the Price List for Paid Services (Works)"
Price List for commercial services (works) as of October 1st, 2024
Regulations for using the electronic reading room (RUS)
Anti-corruption measures
- Current federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, international legal acts
- Normative legal and other acts to combat corruption of the Department of Presidential Affairs
- Normative legal and other acts to counteract corruption of the Presidential Library
- Activities of the commission to prevent corruption and other offences
- Feedback for reporting of facts of corruption
Compliance with Antimonopoly Legislation
Independent service quality control
Information on the results of the Presidential Library’s independent service quality control
Information on the results of the Presidential Library’s independent service quality control in 2019
Information on the results of the Presidential Library’s independent service quality control in 2017
Plan of measures to improve the Presidential Library’s quality activity
Plan of measures to improve the Presidential Library’s quality activity (2020)
Plan of measures to improve the Presidential Library’s quality activity (2018)
Plans of financial accounting
The plan of financial accounting for 2019 financial year and 2020 and 2021 target period
The plan of financial accounting for 2020
Results of a special working conditions control in the workplaces
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control
List of recommended measures to improve working conditions
Summary list of the results of a special working conditions control