Historical Herald. T. 107, March; T. 108, April

Historical herald: historical and literary magazine. - T. 1-149 / 160. - St. Petersburg: ed.-Ed. SN Shubinsky, 1880-1917. -
Founded by AS Suvorin and SN Shubinsky.
For the years 1881-1916. in the last issue of the corresponding year, there were annual indexes of personal names and for 1883-1916. - Indexes of engravings (drawings).
Publisher: T. 1-3 (1880) ed.-ed. SN Shubinsky; T. 4 (1881) - 129, August (1912) AS Suvorin; T. 129, September - 149/150 (1917) Heirs of AS Suvorin in the person of B. B. Glinsky.
1. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 2. General History - Periodicals. 3. Russian literature - 19 - 20 centuries. -- Periodicals. 4. Russia - History - Periodicals. 5. Russia - Social and political life - 2nd floor. 19 - beginning. 20 centuries. -- Periodicals. 6. Literary magazines - Russia. 7. Historical magazines - Russia - 19-20 centuries.
BBC 63.3 (2) I54
BBK 63.3 (0) I54
BBK 84. (2Pos = Rus) 1я54
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: RSHPU
T. 107, March; T. 108, April. - The printing house of AS Suvorin, 1907. - [814] p. Sec. pag. : ill. -
From the content: T. 107, March: Bloody throne: historical novel from the era of Emperor Paul the First / NA Engelgard. From the diary of an assistant tutor of the Grand Dukes Alexander Alexandrovich and Vladimir Alexandrovich / NI Litvinov. Essays from the history of the revolutionary movement in Russia. I. Liquidation of the Nikolaev regime. II. On the eve of the reforms / B. B. Glinsky. Diplomat of the sovereign princes / VI Stein. P. 108, April: From the memoirs of Count N. N. Muraviev-Amursky / S. A. Kazarinov. L. N. Tolstoy and N. N. Strakhov in Optina desert / Pavel Matveev. In the forward flying detachment of General Rennenkampf / Baron Peter Wrangel. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev (materials for biography) / B. B. Glinsky, and other materials. - Bibliography in footnotes. - In a copy of the RSPU. AI Herzen, volume 107, March, etc., 108, April are woven together, v. 107 without cover and title page.
1. Pobedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907) - Collections. 2. Romanov dynasty (1613 - 1917) - Collections. 3. Synod in the history of Russian statehood (collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. The people (the collection). 6. Russia - History - 18 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Collections.
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-3y54
BBK 84 (2Pos = 411.2) I54
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: RSHPU
Publisher Типография А. С. Суворина
Catalogue object