Stories about Western Siberia, or about the provinces of Tobolsk and Tomsk

Stories about Western Siberia, or about the provinces of Tobolsk and Tomsk: with a map (plan) of Siberia. - Ed. 2 nd, ext. and pererab. by the newest officers. data. - Moscow: Type. T. ID Sytin, 1898. - 191 p. : Fig., maps., Table. - In the annex. Legalization and Order of the Government on the resettlement of peasants and burghers to state lands. - Ver. on the 2nd tit. l .: Stories about Western Siberia, or about the provinces of Tobolsk and Tomsk, and how people live there. With drawings and maps of Siberia. - Date of qualification. permission: February 28, 1898 - On the tit. L .: No. 300. - Bibliograf. in the beginning of the book. (13 items) .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. The Altai Republic: pages of history (collection). 3. Kemerovo region: pages of history (collection). 4. Settlers - Siberia Western - early. 20 in .. 5. Siberia Western - History.
BBC 63.3 (285.3)
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Publisher тип. Т-ва И. Д. Сытина
Catalogue object