Birthday anniversary of Mikhail V. Rodzyanko

21 February 1859

9 (21) February 1859, in the village of Popasny, Novomoskovsk County, Yekaterinoslav Province, in the family of Colonel Guard was born Mikhail Vladimirovich Rodzianko, Russian politician, leader of the "Union of October 17" party, the chairman of State Duma of the third and fourth convocation (1911-1917) and the Interim Committee of the State Duma (1917).

In 1877 Rodzianko graduated from the Page Corps and became a cornet in a Cavalry regiment, but five years later left the military service. In 1883 he was elected an honorary magistrate of the Novomoskovsk County, Yekaterinoslav Province, and in 1886-1891 served as a district leader of the nobility. In 1892 Rodzianko was granted the rank of gentleman of the monarch’s bedchamber, in 1899 - the title of chamberlain of the Imperial Court.

In 1900s Mikhail Vladimirovich served as chairman of the Yekaterinoslav district council, was engaged in editing the "Yekaterinoslav Zemstvo Herald" newspaper, and attended in the congresses of rural and urban workers. In 1905 Rodzianko became one of the founders of the Octobrist Party, "The Union of October 17," was a member of its Central Committee.

In 1906 he was elected to the State Election Board of the Yekaterinoslav Zemstvo, but due to the election to the State Duma of the third convocation, he resigned his seat in the upper chamber. In the 3rd Duma Mikhail Vladimirovich was chairman of the Land Committee and a member of the Resettlement Committee. In March 1911 he replaced A. I. Guchkov as chairman of the Duma. Since the beginning of the 4th State Duma, Rodzianko was elected its chairman, and thereafter was annually re-elected to this position. After the Octobrist Party split in 1913-1914, he joined the faction of the Zemstvo Octobrists.

The outbreak of the World War I found Rodzianko in Nauheim (Germany) where he had been treated. Believing it necessary to bring the war "to the victory, in honor and dignity of the dear fatherland," he was almost unconditionally supporting the authorities in the first months of hostilities, but under the influence of defeats at the front, went into opposition.

During the World War I Rodzianko was against Emperor Nicholas II assuming the duties of the Supreme Commander, and also demanded the resignation of several ministers, especially the chairman of the Council of Ministers I. L. Goremykin. In April 1915 Rodzianko traveled to the Austrian Galicia occupied by Russian troops. In July 1915 he participated in the creation of the Progressive Bloc, becoming one of its leaders, and at the same time - the official intermediary between the State Duma and the supreme authority.

In August 1915 Rodzianko was one of the initiators of the establishment of the Special Meeting to discuss the activities intended for national defense, leading the Evacuation Commission soon formed by the Meeting. In February (March) 1917, he was elected chairman of the Interim Committee of the State Duma, held talks with leaders of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet about the members of the Provisional Government, and, on behalf of the Committee, discussed with Headquarters the issues of abdication of Emperor from the throne by telegraph. Under the leadership of Rodzianko in April-August 1917 were held the so-called private meetings of the Duma members who discussed the political and economic situation in the country.

During the October Revolution Rodzianko was in Petrograd trying to organize the defense of the Provisional Government, but after the defeat he moved to the Don. There he was with the White Army of General A. I. Denikin, attempting to recreate the Meeting of the State Duma members of all the four convocations. However, his attempt proved unsuccessful, and in 1920 he emigrated to Yugoslavia.

January 24, 1924 Mikhail Rodzianko died in the village of Beodra in Yugoslavia. May 7, 1924 his remains were transferred to the New Cemetery in Belgrade.


Lit.: Глинка Я. В. Одиннадцать лет в Государственной Думе. 1906-1917. Дневник и воспоминания. М., 2001; Родзянко М. В. За кулисами царской власти. М., 1926; Он же. Крушение империи (Записки председателя Русской Государственной Думы). Л., 1927.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Булла К. К. Вид части зала во время заседания аграрной комиссии Третьей Государственной Думы во главе с М. В. Родзянко: [фотография]. [Между 1907 и 1912];

Допрос М. В. Родзянко // Падение царского режима : стенографические отчёты допросов и показаний, данных в 1917 г. в Чрезвычайной следственной комиссии Временного правительства / ред. П. Е. Щёголева. Т. 7. М. ; Л., 1927;

Заседание депутатов 4-ой Государственной Думы под председательством М. В. Родзянко: [фотография]. Пг., 1917 ;

Оцуп П. А. Объединённое заседание четырёх Государственных Дум: [фотография]. [Пг.], 1917;

По письму Председателя Государственной Думы Родзянко об обратном приёме в С.-Петербургский университет Мстислава Беляева, арестованного во время студенческих волнений 31 января 1911 г. и уволенного из числа студентов этого университета [Дело] : 30 января — 23 февраля 1912 года. 1912;

По письму председателя Государственной Думы Родзянко об отмене высылки за пределы Саратовской губернии присяжных поверенных Мясоедова, Чумаевского, Романенко и Бергмана [Дело] : 7 февраля 1917 г. — 1917;

По письму председателя Государственной Думы Родзянко о принятии в русское подданство высланных в Пермскую губернию гр. Антона Тышкевича и Карла Росцишевского [Дело] : 18 сентября 1914 г. — 1914;

Родзянко М. В. Государственная дума и Февральская 1917 года революция // Февральская революция / сост. С. А. Алексеев. М. ; Л., 1926 С. 1—62;

Родзянко Михаил Владимирович (1859-1924): [фотография]. СПб., 1910;

Статья М. Родзянко, посвящённая Столыпину П. А. [Дело] : сентябрь 1911 года. 1911;

Участники Съезда офицеров и солдатских депутатов: В. И. Гурко, М. В. Родзянко, Ф. И. Родичев, А. М. Масленников, Б. П. Позерн, М. Ф. Квецинский и другие: [фотография]. Минск, 1917.