Birthday anniversary of Nikolai S. Tikhonravov, prominent philologist and archaeographer, one of the distinguished historians of Russian literature
3 (15) October 1832, in the village of Shemetovo, Meshchovsk County, Kaluga Province, in the family of rural paramedic was born eminent philologist and archaeographer, major representative of the cultural-historical school of literary criticism, Nikolai S. Tikhonravov.
At an early age the boy moved with his parents to Moscow. Having graduated from the 3rd Moscow High School, classical faculty, in 1849, Nicholas Tikhonravov entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg, but in 1850, with the assistance of M. P. Pogodin, changed for the historical-philological faculty of the Moscow University. At the university he attended courses in Russian language and literature by S. P. Shevyrev and F. I. Buslaev, and seminars of T. N. Granovsky and P. M. Leontiev. At the same time Nikolai worked in Pogodin’s repository of ancient texts, enjoyed the services of the famous collector of ancient manuscripts I. E. Zabelin, who provided at Nikolai’s disposal his private collection. Nikolai Tikhonravov first appeared in print in 1850, his work "A few words about Gaius Catullus and his writings," was published in "Moskvitianin."
After graduation from the University, in 1853-1857, Tikhonravov taught Russian language and literature in two Moscow classical schools and Cadet Corps; he also gave private lessons. In 1857, Nikolai lectured at the Department of Pedagogy of the Moscow University, and in 1859 - at the Department of Russian Literature. At the same time, he began to issue “The Chronicle of Russian Literature and Antiquities," which published researches by Buslaev, Zabelin, Solovyov and Tikhonravov himself. From April 1859 until October 1863 five volumes of the edition had been published. Following the "Chronicle" were published "The Monuments of renounced Russian literature."
In 1863 Tikhonravov was elected a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Among the major works of the author at the time were: a review of Bessonov’s collected works "Travelers", two editions of the book for students, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (1864), letters of Lomonosov to Shuvalov published in "The Materials for Lomonosov’s Biography" (1865), analysis of P. A. Efremov’s "Materials for the History of Russian literature."
In 1870, Nikolai received his doctorate of Russian literature, and in 1876 he was elected Dean of History and Philology, and in 1877 - the rector of the Moscow University.
In the first half of the 1870s Tikhonravov deeply studied the history of Russian theater. In 1873, he wrote a serious study, "The first fifty years of Russian theater." His collection of "Russian dramas of 1672-1725” was timed to bicentenary of Russian theater. The most significant work of the scientist in the second half of the 1870s was the analysis of the "History of Russian Literature by A. D. Galakhov" (1878). Nikolai had also contributed a lot to the study of the life and work of M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov, V. K. Trediakovsky, D. I. Fonvizin, A. S. Pushkin. One of the best commentaries of Tikhonravov was the issue of the works of Nikolai Gogol, completed by V. I. Shenrock.
In October 1889, Tikhonravov stopped lecturing at the university, but continued his scientific, literary and social activities. In 1890 Tikhonravov was elected ordinary academician of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
November 27 (December 9) 1893, Nikolai Tikhonravov died and was buried at the Danilov Monastery cemetery in Moscow.
Lit.: Архангельский А. С. Памяти Н. С. Тихонравова. Учёные труды Н. С. Тихонравова в связи с более ранними изучениями в области истории русской литературы. Казань, 1894; В. Б. Николай Савич Тихонравов. (Некролог) // Исторический вестник, 1894. Т. 55. № 1. С. 215-221; Георгиевский Г. П. Собрание Н. С. Тихонравова. 1. Рукописи. М., 1913; Гудзий Н. К. Николай Саввич Тихонравов. М., 1965; Майков Л. Николай Саввич Тихонравов. М., 1893; Материалы для биографического словаря действительных членов Академии наук. Ч. 2. Пг., 1917; Памяти Николая Саввича Тихонравова. М., 1894; Руднев А. Г. Академик Н. С. Тихонравов и его труды по изучению памятников древнерусской литературы. Варшава, 1914; Русские филологи XIX в.: Библиографический словарь-справочник. Авт.-сост. М. Е. Бабичева [и др.]. М., 2006; Соколов М. И. Н. С. Тихонравов. М., 1894; Тихонравов Н. С. Сочинения: в 3 т. М., 1898; Языков Д. Д. Обзор жизни и трудов русских писателей и писательниц. Вып., 13. П., 1916.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Tikhonravov N.S. Count F. V. Rostopchin and literature in 1812. St.Petersburg, 1854;