Russian Society of Historians and Archivists (ROIA) was set up

13 November 1990

On November 13 1990 in Moscow at the All-Russian founding congress was set up the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists (abbr. ROIA) with its Charter, which specified goals and objectives of the organization, its structure, divisions and representative offices, as well as the performance management.

The Russian Society of Historians and Archivists is the All-Russian public organization, which on a voluntary basis brings together archivists, historians, workers of manuscript divisions of museums and libraries, local lore specialists, Mass Media and other specialists, whose profession is related to conservation, acquisition and use of the RF Archival Fund, preservation of historical and cultural heritage of peoples, development of archiving and historical science of Russia. Work of the Society is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-governance and legality. It supports and develops relations with archival and research institutions, academic institutions, institutes of higher education, public education bodies, libraries, as well as professional associations and societies of other countries.

Mission of the Society consists in promotion of archiving and historical science of Russia, preservation and increase of historical and documentary heritage of peoples of Russia. One of the main objectives of ROIA is to join efforts of scholars to provide in-depth analyses of urgent problems related to development of archiving and historical science of Russia and work out recommendations for their solution. Among other objectives of the Society is to promote historical knowledge among the population, and contribute to development of spiritual and cultural processes in the society.

ROIA members may become citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, who reached the age of 18, share goals and objectives of ROIA, recognize its Charter and are willing to contribute to its development. ROIA’s highest governing body is the All-Russian Congress, which is called every five years. Its permanent governing body is a Board, whose members are the chairperson, his three deputies and 15 members. The Board deals with all issues of practical activities of the Society and its organizations within the framework of established goals and objectives”.

ROIA has got its own press body — “Archivist Herald” journal, it publishes collected materials based on scientific conferences and seminars, which bring into focus urgent problems of development of archiving and historical science. For past years ROIA has issued the following collected works: “Historians and Archivists: Cooperation targeted at preservation and understanding of the past in the interests of the present and future”, “Security of archives and archival funds”, “Documentation in information society: e-records management and e-archive”.

Lit.: Устав общероссийской общественной организации «Российское общество историков-архивистов». Москва, 2011 [Электронный ресурс] // Российское общество историков-архивистов. 2012. URL:; Хорхордина Т. И. Российское общество историков-архивистов: этапы большого пути [Электронный ресурс] // Вестник архивиста. 2010. URL: