Libraries of Russia: Week of Children’s and Youth Book in Ryazan oblast
In our country the Week of Children’s and Youth Book was born in 1943, initiated by the writer Lev Kassil, who opened the first Week in Moscow in the Column Hall (Kolonny Hall). It then bore a wonderful name – Book’s name day.
This year’s Week of Children’s and Youth book, held by the Ryazan Regional Children’s Library, is marking the Year of the Teacher.
By tradition the inauguration will take place both in Ryazan and in one of the oblast’s districts.
Among the event’s honored guests will be Yevgeny Artamonov, poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. The Week’s program will include literary quizzes, an award ceremony, which will recognize best readers, a performance of children’s creative bands of the district’s Palace of Culture, and the Ryazan State Regional Puppet Theatre’s performance.
In Ryazan the inauguration will be launched at the Ryazan City Palace of Children’s Creativity on March, 24 at 12 a.m. The event will attract pupils of Ryazan schools, best readers and families fond of reading of the Ryazan Regional Children’s Library. Before the opening ceremony children will have a chance to participate in enjoyable literary contests, quizzes, and book exhibitions. Participants are welcome to visit the Museum of Children’s Handwritten Book at the Palace of Children’s Creativity. The event will bring together children’s writers Marina Boroditskaya (Moscow), Yevgeny Artamonov, Lyudmila Sorokina, Yevgeny Naumov (Ryazan), and mount an award ceremony of best readers and a presentation of a “Journey with book across Ryazan krai” project.
Within the framework of the Week schools of the city will hold travelling literary – informative events entitled “Welcome the Ryazan Regional Children’s Library”.