Libraries abroad: Volunteering as a part of the program for youth engagement in life of society
The Keene Public Library in New Hampshire (USA) is actively implementing the program of the President Obama to engage more Americans in serving their communities. Days and hours are usually flexible – young people decide when they want to work. These are citizens over 18 who work as volunteers and do a variety of jobs around the Library: shelving books & audio-visual materials; mending books; rewinding cassettes & videos; delivering materials to homebound people; assisting with special projects.
The library is currently in need of volunteers, who could work as: Book Discussion Leaders; Summer Reading Program Assistant, Teen Program Assistant, Gaming Volunteer, Homework helper. All volunteers are required to have references and a background check which includes fingerprinting.
In time of the world economic crisis, when libraries have to reduce the number of staff, a real assistance of young volunteers helps to partially compensate workforce shortage.