International events: Russian Youth Library convention launched in Moscow

12 October 2010
Source: Library.Ru

Russian Youth Library Convention (with participation of international quests) will take place on October 12 - 14 2010 in Moscow.

Founders and organizers of the convention are: the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Library for Young Adults, and the Russian Library Association.

The convention has brought together active, talented young library specialists and representatives of youth professional associations.

Participants of the convention will familiarize themselves with world trends of library customer service, work with the youth at libraries of Russia and foreign countries, specialist training system in the USA and Europe, possibilities and prospects of virtual and mobile technologies implementation at libraries.

The program of the convention covers the following theme sections: “Library and Youth: conversation on equal terms”; “Library 2.0: ideology, opportunities, problems”; “Union of Internet and library: how to reach it?”; “Youth subcultures: understand and assess…”.

Within the framework of the program, along with reports and speeches will be launched a videoconference with Hamburg Youth Library, and a Youth Library forum (virtual association of young librarians).

A special event of the convention will become a one-day conference dedicated to 10th foundation anniversary of the first Russian library virtual information (reference) service “first virtual reference”, which was later reorganized into the international virtual reference service of public libraries. Participants will learn about promising models of virtual information custom service in Russia and abroad taking into account popularity of social networks on Internet and aims of information leisure time organization for youth at libraries.

Presentation part of the event will include a Parade of youth subcultures (with participation of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism) and virtual brain-ring of young librarians of Sakhalin and Taganrog, dedicated to Anton P. Chekhov.