IT and Authority: All regional govt service portals must be integrated into the federal portal

21 February 2011

Giving the speech at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum the Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media of Russia Ilya Massukh told participants about the way e-government was being implemented in regions.

He put a stress on creation of regional portals which provide online access to govt services. Mr Massukh mentioned that some regions had already launched such portals. “If these portals are operating well and have been included into the interagency electronic interaction system – let them be. It is just necessary to get integrated into the federal govt services portal”, Ilya Massukh emphasized. Those regions which are only starting the conversion of govt services into electronic format will gain more economic benefits if they don’t start a portal from scratch but implement a standard practice, the Deputy Minister believes. 

Ilya Massukh assessed the process of “Electronic government” project implementation in Krasnoyarsk Krai. He highlighted that the region in a timely way fully complied with a plan on conversion of regional and municipal services into electronic format. Presently primary services are at the second stage of transition into electronic format, it means that the govt services portal offers access to all necessary document forms. The number one priority is to timely enter the third stage which would enable users to submit electronic requests in order to receive services. “This year Krasnoyarsk Krai is due to offer citizens an opportunity to make use of 17 primary services available in electronic format”, the Deputy Minister said.

The Deputy Minister noted that it was necessary to teach citizens to work with Information Technologies. What is more, he is convinced that the government and developers need to make the work with e-govt as easy as possible.