History of Russia: Exhibition “Cradle of Russian parliamentarianism. 105th anniversary of the First State Duma” in St. Petersburg

19 April 2011

April 18, 2011 the St. John’s Ravelin, the Sts Peter and Paul Fortress launched an exhibition called “Cradle of Russian parliamentarianism. 105th anniversary of the First State Duma”. It is dedicated to one of the most crucial phenomena in the social and political life of Russia in beg. 20th c. — beginning of the country’s polity reformation.

In 1906 following the European model Russia established a bicameral parliament. The reformed State Council became its Upper Chamber. The Lower Chamber was the State Duma, which was formed on the expression of popular will (elections to the State Duma were held in March 1906). The State Duma and State Council were solemnly opened April 27, 1906 in the Throne Room, Winter Palace in Petersburg.

The First State Duma operated until July 9, 1906. Between 1906 and 1917 the State Duma was convened three more times.

The exhibition unveiled at the Sts Peter and Paul Fortress focuses on the first stage in the work of the Russian Parliament in 1906. The exposition covers over 170 exhibits from collections of the Museum of History of St. Petersburg. Photos, which show election commissions of Petersburg, notices on how to conduct elections; leaflets-appeals of different political parties give the idea of the election to the First State Duma. The exhibition showcases photographs which display a solemn opening of the State Duma and reformed State Council in Winter Palace; portraits of members of the State Council (D.M. Solsky, E.V. Frish, M.G. Akimov, I.Ya. Golubev, A.N. Kulomzin, I.G. Shcheglovitov) and the First State Duma (S.A. Muromtsev, D.I. Shakhovskoy, F.I. Rodichev, N.I. Karev, M.M. Kovalevsky). Of particular interest are caricatures of State Duma and State Council created by artists V.A. Shchuko, V.V. Karrik and others. Among others are caricatures of K.P. Pobedonostsev and P.A Stolypin.

About the work of the first Russian parliament and fruits of its work tell archival documents, books, and photographs. The exposition also features copies of reconstruction projects of Mariinsky and Tauride Palaces.

Photographs of the exhibition’s last section shed the light on the dismissal of the First State Duma, illegal meeting of dismissed deputies in Vyborg July 10, 1906 and arrest of deputies. A number of materials turn the spotlight on the State Duma of second-forth convocations.