Internet resources: VKontakte launches storage service for documents and images with support of popular formats

29 May 2011
Source: Сyberstyle

Following world trends social network VKontakte has unveiled its own data storage service. It means that VKontakte users now will be able to upload images and documents. “We were in a hurry to launch the service to offer a convenient tool for students on the threshold of their exams”, said the social network’s spokesman Vladislav Tsyplukhin. The service is presently available to one million users. 

VKontakte supports a lot of formats, which include some of the most popular: pdf, doc, ppt, png, gif, jpg and psd. The network’s data storage facilities are unlimited. In the near future its users will be able to share files in instant messages and work with other new facilities. 

A cause for concern is the fact that VKontakte may turn into a very convenient service enabling sharing yearly essays, research works, documents, as well as unlicensed books, articles and other content. What is particularly interesting is the reaction of right holders, and potential victims of personal data theft witnessing all these things. However it is much more interesting to know how VKontakte is going to protect them from illegal activities.