Society and Book Culture: Last volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica for Children unveiled in Russia
The third and the fourth volumes on geography and art of the world-famous Encyclopedia Britannica for children have been released in the Russian language.
First two volumes came out last October. The edition is intended for children aged 7 - 11. The first volume includes articles on astronomy, physical geography, geology, physics, and technology. The second one focuses children’s attention on flora and fauna.
The third volume “Britannica. Geography” tells children about countries on different continents, their capital cities and natural attractions. The forth volume “Britannica. Literature and Art” features articles on religion, art and literature of different countries and epochs.
Britannica is considered to be the best encyclopedic edition in the world, which delivers the most complete, deep and scientifically sound information. Britannica for children is accompanied by dictionaries and indexes. The books have been compiled in such a way which enables children to work with them all by themselves, learning how to use reference resources.
Main articles contain pictures, photographs, extracts with interesting facts and tricky questions.
Britannica – is the most complete and the oldest universal encyclopedia in English. It was founded by the Scottish engraver and printer Andrew Bell and Scottish bookseller and printer Colin Macfarquhar.
The first edition came out in 1768 - 1771 and featured just three volumes. The modern edition №15 was issued in 1985. It contains 120 articles and about 44 million words.
Authors of Britannica are the world’s leading experts including dozens of the Nobel Prize laureates.
Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Henry Ford, Lev Trotsky used to write articles for the encyclopedia. Modern version of the encyclopedia has been created with contribution of 4 000 authors and editors. In 1997 it was decided to stop printing the encyclopedia, but make it available electronically. But in 2002 the physical edition was revived. The updated edition debuted articles on genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, space exploration, euro introduction, Taliban movement and many other events and facts.
The Russian-language Britannica contains additional materials about our country.