History of Russia: The oldest Russian Naval School in Archangelsk marks its 230th foundation anniversary

14 October 2011

One of the oldest marine educational institutions of Russia – V. I. Voronin Arctic Sea Institute, a branch of the Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy, marks this year   the 230th anniversary of its founding.

Under the Imperial decree of Empress Catherine II of March 23, 1781 the Governor-General A. P. Melgunov was ordered to establish a Navigation School in the city of Arkhangelsk to teach students seamanship. In October 1781 the first 39 students began their studies in the former bishop's house, Kholmogory village.

For more than two centuries the school had gone through several reorganizations, from the Nautical School, Skipper courses to maritime college, Trade and Marine College, and finally, the Arctic Sea Institute.

Festive events dedicated to 230th anniversary of the educational institution were held 13 October 2011. At the monument to Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov, on the waterfront of the Northern Dvina was held a meeting, attended by heads, teachers and students of the institute.

In the interior of the Arctic Marine Institute 160 freshmen swore allegiance to the selected maritime profession. By tradition of the continuity of generations, along with freshmen, 75 students of the first and fifth grades of Arkhangelsk secondary school of Solovetsky apprentices and Severodvinsk secondary boarding school have been initiated into the cabin boy.

The event was held with the contribution from the Government of the Arkhangelsk region, the center of pre-conscription training and patriotic education of the Arkhangelsk region, Russian DOSAAF, the "Pomorye" Fund for the education of children, youth and family welfare.