Archives of Russia: State Archive of Russia unveils new arrivals

23 December 2011

The State Archive of the Russian Federation is summing up the results of past two years. On December 22nd 2011 new arrivals which reveal the history of Russian emigration were shown to the press. These are personal archives of public figures and politicians, scientists, poets, writers of political essays. For long Russian readers had been in the dark about the existence of many of them. Among the new arrivals are documents and emigrant periodicals.

New arrivals include manuscripts and personal photographs of poetess Lidia Khaindrova, who had lived in Harbin, and after World War II settled down in Krasnodar. On display is also a newly released joint work of the State Archive and the Slavonic Library of the Czech Republic – there were a lot of Russian emigrants in Prague in early 20th century.

Cadet movement abroad – a little-studied page in the Russian history – can be discovered now as finally there is an access to a large archive of Alexei Jordan, who had long lived in the United States and made a great contribution to revive Cadet education in Russia.

The USA also donated a collection of documents from the archive of the Holy Trinity Theological Seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad – these are manuscripts of theologian Maevsky, General Krasnov and documentary materials of the Russian secondary school in Paris.