Society and literary culture: Events timed to the Orthodox Book Day in Archangelsk
March 14, 2012 in the "Russian North" Department of Local History of the Dobrolyubov Regional Library of Archangelsk, was held a presentation of thematic tour, "The Origins of Orthodox Literacy" around the halls of Russia's first virtual museum "Literary Monuments of the Archangelsk North", located on the website the Dobrolyubov Regional Library.
Upon the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Book Day is timed to the day of completion of work on the first dated printed book Apostle, published in Moscow by Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets March 14, 1564.
The Orthodox Book Day 2012 in the Archangelsk region is celebrated for the first time and is dedicated to the 330th anniversary of the Archangel and Kholmogorsk dioceses, whose first archbishop was a well-known ecclesiastical and political figure, a great scribe Athanasius Kholmogorsky. His library, considered enormous at the time, still attracts the attention of researchers. The library included several books printed by the first Russian printers: Ivan Fedorov, Andronicus Nevezha, Kuzma and Lucas Mamonichi, etc.
The Arkhangelsk Region has long been a repository of literary culture, not only because of its monastic libraries, but also due to the development of folk literary culture in the Russian North. Northern scribes, and later museum workers, had preserved in the territory of the Archangelsk Region rare copies of Russian literary culture - the first printed books.