International events: Russian-American seminar in St. Petersburg State University
15-22 May 2012, the Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, is hosting the XXI session of the Russian-American Seminar. It is a forum for the free exchange of views on the modern world, the Russian-American relations, U.S. and Russian foreign policy. Theme of the seminar is "Twenty Years without USSR."
Traditionally, the Russian-American seminar is attended by scientists from Russia and the U.S., Russian and American diplomats, famous statesmen and politicians of Russia and the United States, as well as Russian and American students.
Topics for discussion:
- "The collapse of the Soviet Union - a historical inevitability or coincidence?";
- "The geopolitical processes in the post-Soviet territory";
- "The new geopolitical order after the collapse of the Soviet Union";
- "The stereotypes of the "cold war" in Russian-American relations."