Information technology and history: Electronic version of the first volume of “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” first published on the Ministry of Defense website
On the eve of Victory Day, the official website of the Russian Defense Ministry started to publish large quantities of materials to mark the Day of Victory of the Soviet troops over the Nazi invaders.
For the first time the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publishes on its website an electronic version of the first volume of the fundamental work "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." The Central Archive of the Defense Ministry was one of the main sources of information for the creators of the multi-volume. This is what allows one to open new pages in the history of events.
Also in late April, the official website of the Russian Defense Ministry opened a thematic photo gallery entitled "They Fought for the Motherland", featuring unique photographs of the Great Patriotic War. During May and June over 100 unique images of war times will be placed on the portal.
Also, the “For children” section of the Defense Ministry website began publishing articles about the courage, steadfastness and mass heroism of the defenders of the cities of military glory. To date, the section includes unique materials on 21 City of Military Glory. During May 2012 the articles about the other 16 cities that received the honorary title of "City of Military Glory" will also be published on the site.
Using the site everybody can learn about the order of flight of helicopters, review detachment formation and an interactive itinerary of the mechanized column during a military parade on the Red Square, as well as interesting information about the history of military parades on the main square of the capital.