History of a Book: Exhibition-presentation of publications “Palmquist Album” and “Notes on Russia, made by Eric Palmquist in 1674” opened in Saint-Petersburg

21 November 2012

The Library of the Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg) opened the exhibition-presentation "Palmquist Album" and a special publication "Notes on Russia, made by Eric Palmquist in 1674" - they are prepared by the publishing house "Lomonosov" together with the Faculty of Slavic Studies at Stockholm University, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, Department of Modern Languages ​​at Uppsala University and the St. Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences.

The publication of the album has been long of interest in Russia. In 1899, commissioned by the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the translation "Notes on Russia" was published in various publications. In what was supposed to release a full-color edition of the album, but the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia prevented it.

A century after the first translation of the Palmquist manuscript in Russian, the publishing house "Lomonosov" has set a goal to print Palmquist album in the form as close as possible to the original. As the chief editor of "Lomonosov" Vladislav Petrov said: "During the preparation for the album version of contamination have been removed, which appeared for more than 300 years of existence of the manuscript, - traces of coffee, home dampness, stains, other origin. Thus, the album will get the kind in which it will come from the hands of Palmquist".

Taking part in the presentation in BAN Consul General of Sweden in St. Petersburg Jan Nyberg said that the publication has attracted interest not only scientists and the military, but for all those interested in the development of Russian-Swedish relations, world history. "This is the most beautiful subject report I've ever seen - he said. - And most importantly, it is a unique source of information about Russia in the second half of the XVII century".