President of Russia: Vladimir Putin in the speech to the Federal Assembly has paid his attention to the development of new technology and the Russian language abroad
President of Russia Vladimir Putin on December 12, 2012 made the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
In his speech he has called for the creation in the country of the Fund of Perspective Research to develop new technology, to take leading positions in new technology as well as to provide support to schools in the CIS, leading education in the Russian language.
“I commit the government to submit proposals for the implementation of distance education in Russian. It should be accessible to the CIS youth, - he said. – it is important to support schools in the CIS and other states, which teach in Russian”.
“We need to create a system of international school competitions in Russian, - continued the President. – Their winners, by the way, should have right to enter the leading universities of the country”.
“And in general, the quality education in Russian should be global. We should talk about how to expand the presence of Russia in the world humanitarian and cultural space”, - says Vladimir Putin.