Society and book culture: International research conference “Runyantsev readings – 2013. Intellectual culture and the book” in Moscow

6 January 2013

The International research Conference "Rumyantsev Readings - 2013. Intellectual culture and the book. Traditions and the present day" will be held in Moscow, in the Russian State Library on April 16-17, 2013. The conference is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the opening of the reading room of the first public library in Moscow.

The purposes of Rumyantsev Readings 2013 are: to fully consider the book as a social and cultural phenomenon in different historical periods; from the modern point of view to assess the contribution of libraries in the preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

Topics for discussion:

- Changing of historical eras and evolution of the book;

- Book World – mirror of the history and cultural phenomenon;

- Book heritage – a storehouse or a burden for new Russia?

- Priorities of the library in present: preservation of traditions and innovations in the information support of the society;

- The public library as cultural phenomenon. Library for the society and society for library;

- The Rumyantsev readings as an integral part of the national history and culture;

- Collectors, curators, educators. Private initiative in the formation of foundations of cultural institutions.

To participate are invited specialists from libraries, museums, universities, publishers, research institutions, public organizations, government representatives.