The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library holdings have been enriched with educational and cultural video materials of its own production.
Video lectures are presented in the framework of the educational project of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library “Video lecture “Knowledge on Russia”. The project is aimed at the reflection of memorable dates in Russian history and general issues related to the Russian statehood. The main idea of the video lecture is the development of the cultural and spiritual potential of young people, awakening the desire for a deeper study of the history of the Fatherland.
To one of the most famous Russian rulers, the first Russian tsar, who occupied the Russian throne for more than 50 years, the analyze of his controversial actions is dedicated the video lecture of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of History of the Saint-Petersburg State University Vyacheslav Valentinovitch Shaposhnikov – The Era and the personality of Ivan the Terrible.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of History of the Saint-Petersburg State University Alexei Vladimirovich Sirenov has timed his lecture to the 450th anniversary of the Book of Royal Degrees - the monument of Russian historical literature of the XVI century. Drafted at the initiative of Metropolitan Macarius confessor of Ivan IV in 1560-1563 the book is divided into 17 faces or degrees and covers the period from the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich to Ivan IV. The book also includes a biography of metropolitans and most venerated Russian saints. The author notes that for the first time a holistic view of Russian history as the history of the state from the beginning of the prevailing state with a strong central government was introduced precisely to the power of the book. This view has become crucial for the Russian and foreign historians.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Political Science and Law of RSUH Andrei Sergeevich Usachyov in his video lecture The Book of Royal Degrees in the book culture of the era of Metropolitan Macarius describes the period of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when the Russian state has actually become the only fully independent of external forces. In this connection there was the question of choosing the path of the only remaining true to Orthodoxy state. The answer to this question tried to be found by thinkers and writers of Metropolitan Macarius.
To the Time of Troubles - the period of the history of Russia from 1598 to 1613 years, marked by natural disasters, serious political, economic, political and social crisis, the awakening of the national spirit, the expulsion of Polish-Swedish intervention and the coronation of Mikhail Fedorovich – was dedicated a video lecture of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of History of Slavic and Balkan history of the Faculty of History of the Saint-Petersburg State university Alexander Ilyich Filyushkin - How Russian people overcame the Time Troubles: to the 400th anniversary of the election of Mikhail Romanov.
The honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Painting of the XVIII-XIX centuries of the State Russian Museum Gregory Naumovish Goldovskiy tells about the past and present of the Imperial portraits preserved in the museums of Russia, abroad and in private collections.
A video lecture Kostroma in the eyes of the emperor. Nicholas II’s visit to Kostroma in May 1913 the Deputy Director General for Research of the Kostroma State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Natalia Alekseevna Druzhneva is dedicated to the centennial of the Romanov Museum which was opened in Kostroma by Nicholas II, and a large-scale event related to the arrival of the emperor and members of his family to the provincial capital.
The preparation of new materials continues.