Libraries of Russia: The crowd sourcing project of the Russian State Library on modernization of its image launched

2 August 2013

This summer, the Russian State Library in conjunction with CITYCELEBRITY.RU invites everyone to take part in the project “Public Library”. The project is intended to be a response to the requests of citizens and library users, a response to trends in the development of Moscow.

“Open Library” is created to acquaint citizens with the inner world of the RSL, which contains valuable materials and funds. The library is included in the space of the city, using a central location, unique architectural and urban ensemble and the potential of their sites for creative and social projects, becoming a “place of power” and a popular spot on the map of the capital.

To achieve these goals the Russian State Library in conjunction with CITYCELEBRITY organizes crowd sourcing project in which all concerned citizens can put forward their own proposals to modernize the look of the famous library, improve its services and development.