Peoples of Russia: The exhibition project, presented the traditional art of the peoples of the Far East, in Khabarovsk
August 2, 2013 at the Museum of the Far Eastern Art (Khabarovsk) opens the exhibition project “Faces of beauty. Signs of wisdom. Traditional art of the XIX - the beginning of the XXI century of the peoples of the Far East.” The project is implemented within the framework of the Third International Festival of the Far Eastern arts and crafts “Indigenous Times”, designed to introduce the traditional culture of the indigenous peoples, long ago living in the Far East.
The exposition features original works of aboriginal culture from art and ethnographic collections of Far Eastern Art Museum and other museums in the region.
Sacred objects of worship and household utensils made of willow, birch bark and wood, textile carpets and ritual decorations, festive clothes and robes made of fish skin are the basis of the composite structure of the exhibition. About 300 works of decorative art present art creation and traditional crafts of Nanai, Ulchs, Udeghes, Nivkhs, Orochi and other nations of the Amur region and Sakhalin.
The exhibition also exhibits paintings, drawings, sculpture, installations, and video art by contemporary authors. During the exhibition it will be held interactive activities: master classes on specific types of traditional arts and crafts, individual consultations with leading experts in the field of traditional arts and crafts, meetings with artists, in the works of which have been reflected art, religion and Aboriginal legends of the Far East.