Museums of Russia: Agate Rooms in Tsarskoye Selo opened after restoration

28 September 2013

September 26, 2013 at the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve after restoration opened Agate of the Rooms pavilion “Cold Bath” - an architectural masterpiece of the XVIII century.

The solemn ceremony of the opening of Agate Rooms was held with participation of the Minister of Culture of Russia V. Medinsky.

Experts of Tsarskoye Selo Amber Workshop began their work in 2010. For three years all seven Agate interior rooms that were created over seven years have been revived.

Agate Rooms - Apartments of the Empress Catherine II kept the true historic finish to our day. They are unique in both artistic and technically, and are unique not only in Russia but also in the world.

While reviving the masterpiece the museum refused from the common Russian practice of recreating the lost fragments and used the technique of preservation and restoration of the completion of a minimum of loss (in accordance with the Venice Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites). The main task was to master how to best preserve the authenticity of the interior decoration.

Agate Rooms technologically are highly sophisticated restoration project. However, it is here for the first time the museum has decided to open the hall for visitors as they become available, without waiting for the completion of all the work. From April 2012 in the pavilion is working the Children’s Center.