Monuments of book culture: Scientific-practical seminar “Book Monuments: the problems of studying and preservation” in Irkutsk

23 September 2013

From September 23-26, 2013 in Irkutsk under the federal target program “Culture of Russia (2012 - 2018)” with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture and archives of the Irkutsk region is held the Scientific-practical seminar “Book monuments: the problems of study and preservation”.

This seminar continues the series of theoretical and practical activities in connection with the book monuments.

At the specialized sections is expected to consider the following issues:

- New opportunities for regional conservation of library collections (services, legal and regulatory framework);

- Copy (digitization of the fund, microfilming, the creation of an insurance fund) as a means of ensuring the safety of the documents;

- Rare Book Collections: their identification and examination;

- Organization of the accounting system of book monuments;

- Practical issues in compiling of bibliographic record of the incunabula.