Russian regions: The exhibition “The Irkutsk region in the XX Century”

12 December 2013

In the department of the Irkutsk Regional Local Lore Museum on December 12, 2013 opens the exhibition “The Irkutsk region in the XXI century” which will become the basis of the permanent exposition of the museum.

The XX century in the history of the Priangarsk region is saturated with turbulent events - tragic and triumphant. With the construction of the Trans-Siberian, in the beginning of the century the area started rapidly developing the industry and commerce. The surviving pictures of plants, mines, Irkutsk streets and residents of the century illustrate the growth in the province. Irkutsk became an educational center. The cultural life is activating. The furniture interior of the town house, newspaper clippings and theater programs, preserved in the museum collections, reflect the tastes and cultural trends of the time.

The socio-political events of the century are presented by a selection of printed leaflets and newspapers, materials about the Lena massacre in 1912, the further development of revolutionary events. The treatment of the Irkutsk Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, officers of the tsarist army uniforms, soldiers of the Red Army, the telegraph are presented.

The pre-war years of the Soviet power (1920-1941) are rich of material for industrialization and collectivization, the development of labor heroism, labor, children, sports public organizations, the development of science. On the other hand, they contain materials about the persecution.

The exposition on the Great Patriotic War gives an idea of the unity of the people in the struggle against fascism and the heroism of the inhabitants of the remote places of hostilities of the Irkutsk region. A rich arsenal of weapons used in the Soviet Army and the German army, is presented.

Post-war reconstruction and development of the national economy of the USSR until 1985 is represented with elements of the life of Soviet citizens, photographs of buildings in Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilim hydroelectric station, large factories, materials, and labor activity demonstrating enthusiasm of Soviet citizens. The natural wealth of Siberia was mastered, scientific base and cultural sphere was developed.

The exposition is completed with perestroika time and events in the Irkutsk region in the beginning of the XXI century. The exhibits show the rise of social movement to protect the environment and Lake Baikal, posters, newsletters, regulations perestroika time. The advertising material and promotional materials of elective companies give an idea of ​​the rhetoric of the period.

The socio-economic development of the region in the beginning of the XXI century is shown in the context of activities of large companies.