Russian museums: In 2014 the State Historical Museum to present unique thematic exhibitions
The State Historical Museum (Moscow) published at its website a list of exhibitions planned for realization in 2014.
In March 2014 opens the exhibition "The Myth of the beloved leader", which for the first time in its entirety will present a diverse collection of the former Lenin Museum.
Also in March - April will be presented an exhibition "Japanese bronze" from the collection of the Department of Severstal and metal department of the State Historical Museum and the "Exhibition of new acquisitions in the collection of the Historical Museum".
In April 2014 will be open the exhibition "Nomad. Between heaven and earth". The idea of the exhibition – is to show open mythologized artistic space, which for thousands of years was created by Steppe nomads, reproduced and revised in the work of the sculptor Dashai Namdakova. At the same time it will be shown time unique archaeological monuments of nomadic cultures of Eurasia from the collection of the Department of Archeology of the Historical Museum.
April 29, 2014 the museum will present the exhibition "The Cloister of St. Sergius" - to the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The exhibition is devoted to Sergius of Radonezh and monastery founded by him. There will be exhibited unique museum exhibits: manuscripts, printed books, icons, popular prints, engravings, portraits, maps, documents, church utensils, arts and crafts and small plastic that will allow for the first so fully present outstanding contribution "of the greatest saints of ancient Rus’" in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the national culture.
In August 2014 to the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I the Museum will open a large-scale international exhibition "World War I. 1914-1918".
The purpose of the exhibition is to restore the historical memory of the "forgotten" war, to show by museum means, authentic artifacts and multimedia presentations major battles, victories and defeats, destruction and loss, allied duty, heroes and exploits, military weekdays and human destiny.
Children's drawings of the World War I from the collection of the Museum of History will be presented at the exhibition "I want to be a Russian soldier!".
The first display of the vast collection of drawings collected by V. S. Voronov, in which through the eyes of children are presented all sides of World War I: land, naval and air battles, Russian and German soldiers, the wounded and nurses, episodes from the life of the rear, numerous weapons and flags of belligerents.
In 2014 is planned the opening of a new permanent exhibition section "Russian Empire of late XVIII - the first quarter of the nineteenth centuries" (September), as well as exhibitions:
- "The State Historical Museum and Stroganovka" (May);
- "Scythian Gold" (October);
- "English breakfast" - in the framework of the Year of the "Russia - United Kingdom" (October);
- "St. Basil's Cathedral. Look of contemporaries" (October);
- "The Cossacks. On state service "(December).