Memory of Russia: Monument to Prince Vladimir in Moscow
April 28, 2014 in ITAR-TASS took place a press-conference dedicated to the project of the monument to Saint Prince Vladimir in Moscow. Exactly a year and two months – July 28, 2015 marks 1,000 years from the date of demise of St. Vladimir, who baptized Rus’. The anniversary will be large-scaly celebrated.
Millennium anniversary of the repose of St. Prince Vladimir will be celebrated not only in the Orthodox world, but also at the state level. So, July 31, 2013 by the Decree of the President of Russia was set up a special working group on preparation of the millennium repose of Prince Vladimir. Celebrations will be held in Moscow, Novgorod, Vladimir and Pskov. Over a hundred events are scheduled. As part of the celebration, is planned to erect a monument to Saint Prince Vladimir in Moscow.
Member of the Public Council of Ministry of Culture of Russia Archimandrite Tikhon said that the appearance of the monument will define the community of experts, which will include architects, artists, historians, and clergy. He noted that the location of the monument is not yet determined.
Scientific Director of the Russian Military-Historical Society Mikhail Miagkov noted that Prince Vladimir for us - is a symbol of honor, kindness, justice and humanity. These are the principles that are supported by the Russian Military-Historical Society in its activity.
Michael Miagkov reported that the monument would be built on the people's money - similar to the monument to the heroes of the First World War. The collection will be announced in the near future. After May holidays will start a negotiation mechanism of the monument with NGOs, academics, residents of the capital. After that, in June, there will be announced a competition to design a monument to Saint Prince Vladimir.