The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The collection Memory of the Great Victory of the Presidential Library has been enriched with materials of its own production and the private collections.
New items include video lectures, presented in the framework of the educational project of the Presidential Library "Video lecture "Knowledge of Russia", as well as books and various objects of philotime and memorophilia, dedicated to the Victory Day.
Poems for preschoolers N. B. Deineka War in notebook (Moscow; Leningrad, 1941) reflect the atmosphere of the prewar period. The book was signed for publication on February 17, 1941.
Ticket of the cash and prize lottery. The USSR People's Commissariat of Finance. 1941. Ticket costs ten rubles. On the front of the ticket is depicted an emblem of the Soviet Union, and the inscription "Cash and prize lottery" is written in 15 languages of peoples of the USSR. The reverse side has conditions of cash and prize lottery. It is indicated that the circulation of lottery was held no later than March 1, 1942.
The book of essays by Soviet writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of the Stalin Prize of the second degree L. S. Sobolev By Roads of Victories (Moscow, 1944) is dedicated to the liberation of Crimea, Odessa and Romania during the World War II.
The calendar for 1944 is published as a miniature notepad.
Colonel N. Demin in his book Notes by officer (Moscow, 1945) tells of time of war and life on the front.
The Red Army calendar for 1945 (Moscow, 1945) in addition to the calendar grid includes thematic articles, illustrations and photographs. The articles are devoted to the life and work of Alexander Nevsky, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, V. I. Lenin, I. V. Stalin. On the pages of the calendar is told about the heroes of the Soviet Union A. I. Pokryshkin and A. M. Matrosov. Stalin's statements on the defense of the socialist fatherland are posted, as well as the creation of the Red Army, the Soviet patriotism and etc. Besides there are general duties of fighter, means to combat infantry; are given instructions on maintenance and fire adjustment, entrenchment of norms, about vulnerabilities of German tank "Tiger" and etc.
The copy of Subscription list № … / [NKF the USSR]. [B. m], [194-] for subscription to bonds of domestic government loan. The document states: date (… 194. year), the name of the enterprise management department, the village council, the collective farm brigade, surname, first name, subscription amount on the loan bonds (500, 200, 100, 50, 25 r.) signature. The subscription to loans was held by companies, factories, in village councils, collective farms, army, guerrilla groups, etc. During the period of 1942-1946 were released four loans, each of which had two issues: winning and interest. Winning public bond issue was designed to accommodate the population, the percentage of agricultural issue housed, and handicraft and fishing cooperatives, mixed industrial-agricultural cooperatives, cooperatives of the disabled, forest cooperatives and associations for the joint cultivation of land. Issue bonds for winning all the income is paid in the form of winnings, and interest on the bonds issue - in the form of interest on the coupons.
The siege of Leningrad and the specialists of the National Library of Russia, preserved information about this difficult period of our history, are told by the chief librarian of the manuscript department of the NLR N. B. Rogov in the lecture On the war and the victory by the book language (O. F. Bertgolz and authors of the "Blockade Book").
The lecture of leading researcher of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. S. Lebedeva the USSR and the Nuremberg Trials is devoted to the international trial over the former leaders of Nazi Germany in 1945-1946.
In addition, the section of the Regional press of the time of war has been enriched with new titles of newspapers: “The Moscow Bolshevik” (Moscow, the Moscow region), “The Chkalov Commune” (the Orenburg region) and “The Buryat-Mongol Pravda” (the Republic of Buryatia).
The preparation of new materials continues.