International events: Exhibition “Russia – Croatia: Past and Present” in Moscow

17 June 2014

In the Blue exhibition hall of the Russian State Library (Moscow) opened the exhibition "Russia - Croatia: Past and Present". This is the second exposition prepared by the Russian State Library in collaboration with the Embassy of Croatia in Moscow. The first exhibition - "Green and blue Croatia" - took place in July and August 2013, it presented works by Croatian photographer Marco Vrdoljak. The exposition "Russia - Croatia: Past and Present" is timed to the Day of State of Croatia, which is celebrated on June 25.

At the solemn opening of the exhibition Lyudmila Tikhonova, deputy Director General of the RSL on scientific publishing activity, said: "by this exhibition, we want to show documents that give insight into the history, culture and development of Croatia, on the cultural and scientific relations existing between Croatia and Russia. Here are the unique Croatian manuscripts, such as the Breviary of the XIV and XV centuries - collections of Roman Catholic prayers; you can see the work of the Croatian historian Orbini Mavro "Slavic kingdom" (published in the XVIII), which at the behest of Peter I was translated into Russian. It also demonstrates the works of outstanding philologist slavicist Vatroslav Yagitch, author of "History of Slavic philology".

The exhibition also features works by Yuri Krizhanich (1617-1683), Croatian theologian, philosopher, writer and missionary priest.