The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The collection of the Presidential Library has been enriched with materials of its own production and provided by the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library.
New acquisitions contain video lectures, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the reforms of 1864, the history of women’s education in Russia, the musical heritage of our country.
The Associate Professor of the A. I. Herzen of the Russian History Faculty of Social Sciences Tatiana Ilinichna Pashkova in her lecture Classics and realists: reform of Russian gymnasiums in 1864 described the state of the Russian school by the middle of the XIX century, the reasons caused the need to reform the educational system, the discussion of two groups of representatives of different views on school education (classics and realists), the most educational reform in 1864 and the results to which it has led.
The Head of scientific exhibition department of the Historical and Memorial Museum "Smolny" Olga K. Fedorova timed her lecture to the 250th anniversary of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens. The author spoke about Russia's first female public institution, the peculiarities of upbringing and education at the Smolny Institute, its significance for Russian education and culture and why its experience is interesting to us today.
The history of women's higher education, its initiators and opponents was told by the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of World History Institute of Social and Political Sciences and Humanities of NArFU by M. V. Lomonosov Olga V. Churakova in her lecture Struggle for women's higher education in Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century.
A video presentation "Album-catalog of printed music 400 years of the House of Romanov: [from the collection of the National Library of Russia]" tells of the publication, which collects a unique historical and musical heritage of Russia. The first volume-catalog is a list of musical works of the imperial dynasty, the works of composers on texts by the Empress Catherine II, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, music focused on the members of the Romanov dynasty. One of the main decorations are catalog covers, title pages and illustrations made by major Russian and foreign artists, engravers of the time. The second volume contains a reprint of rare music publications. It included the first facsimile edition of the anthem "God Save the King" in 1840, the publication in 1920 of two regimental marches over which were carried two patronages of Empress Maria Feodorovna (Her Majesty Cavalry Regiment) and Alexandra (Lifeguards Ulansky Her Majesty's Regiment). Here are presented almost all pre-revolutionary editions of Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar" ("Ivan Susanin"), as well as a rare 1790 edition of the opera by French composer Ernest Gretry "Peter the Great".
Bibliographical information about the Great Russian composer, one of the founders of the Russian classical music, the creator of such famous works as "Life for Tsar" ("Ivan Susanin") and "Ruslan and Lyudmila" contain in the book of V. P. Avenarius Creator of the Russia opera, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka.
The publication of new scientific and educational materials at the Presidential Library website will be continued.