Internet and Culture: The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts introduces its German Engravings website
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) has offered the German Engraving website with selection of the most remarkable prints by Albrecht Dürer from its own collection. The museum owns the one of richest engravings collections.
In prospect, this website will be evolved in four major sections: the one will be dedicated to Durer and his teachers, another - to Dürer and his contemporaries, and two additional will be focused on Austrian, German, Switzerland gravure of the following centuries until recent twentieth century.
For the present, the first, Albrecht Dürer and his Teachers, section could be already visited. It consists of 295 engraving pieces in high resolution - by Durer himself and the artists who believed his mentors - Michael Wohlgemuth (1434-1519) and Martin Schongauer (1435/1440-1491).
Primarily, this site is considered professionals, but surely contains a lot of useful information for art lovers of all denominations.