Monuments of book culture: The IX Zagrebin readings “The holy ascetic-founders of monasteries and book collections of these convents” in Saint-Petersburg
October 27-28, 2014 in the Main Building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is held the International scientific conference "The IX Zagrebin readings". This year the theme of reading is "The holy ascetic-founders of monasteries and book collections of these convents".
The presentations will be made by Moscow and St. Petersburg scientists, as well as researchers from Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland and Lithuania. Scientific Reports will be dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh, his veneration in Russia, other Orthodox saints, the study of book collections of Russian and Slavic monasteries.
On October 27, in the Department of Manuscripts of the NLR will be open the exhibition "Monasteries honestly, holy places…", which presents manuscripts of late XIV - XVIII centuries associated with the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, his disciples, and founded by them the monasteries. Among the exhibits there is manuscript closest to the original text of the lives of saints, composed by ancient Russian writer - Epiphanius, named by his contemporaries for his scholarship the Wise. Visitors can see the unique message of Epiphanius to his friend Cyril, preserved only in one list. That message is valuable in that it is the only evidence of ancient Russian dating talented writer Epiphanius the Wise with great painter Theophanes the Greek. Visitors will also see the manuscript of Life of St. Sergius, created by the famous XV century by Pachomius Serb. No less interesting exhibits are letters of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to his stepson Eugène de Beauharnais, who in one of the military campaigns was a disciple of St. Sergius - St. Sabbas Storozhevsky.
The Conference was established in 2005 in honor of the philologist, paleography, the custodian of the Slavic manuscripts, Chief, Division of ancient manuscripts funds of the NLR V. M. Zagrebin (1942-2004).