Museums of Russia: Presentation of new halls of the State Literary Museum held in Moscow
December 26, 2014 the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky will participate in the presentation of the five halls of the State Literary Museum in a new building in the Shelaputinsky Lane in Moscow.
The building was built in 1830-1840s on the foundation of the chambers of the XVIII century for Savva Vasilievich Morozov - Russian businessman and philanthropist, founder of the dynasty of textile manufacturers. In the neighborhood were located the Morozov textile factory and the Morozov hospice. At one time the lane, on which all these buildings stood, was also called Morozovsk. Currently repair and restoration works are completed.
The first room contains an exclusive audio material on the basis of which a unique Museum of sounding literature as part of the State Literary Museum is created. There will be heard voices of Great Russian writers and poets - from Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Blok to Vasily Shukshin and Bella Akhmadullina.
The second - the story of the restoration work carried out in the building in the Shelaputinsky lane, including reconstruction of the wall paintings.
The third hall houses a presentation of the collection of autographs of Russian writers from different eras and of department of manuscript of the museum collections.
The fourth houses the collection of rare pictures that are stored in the stock department of negatives and photographs.
Finally, the fifth hall includes an exposition "The office of Alexander Vertinsky", the first of a projected series of open storage, dedicated to the Russian literature of the XX century. Museum objects that belonged to the family of famous Russian actor, poet and singer Alexander Vertinsky, were purchased for the State Literary Museum by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.