Society and book culture: The International conference “Rumyantsev Readings – 2015. The book and the historical memory. To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory” to be held in Moscow
The International Scientific Conference "Rumyantsev Readings - 2015. The book and the historical memory. To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory" will be held in the Russian State Library (Moscow) on 14-15 April 2015.
The purpose of "Rumyantsev Readings - 2015" in the year of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War: to draw attention to the problems of the historical and social memory, to consider the possibilities of literature influence the formation of worldview contemporaries.
Issues for discussion:
- Book and war. Problems of formation of citizenship.
- Year of literature as an incentive to attract attention to the spiritual heritage of Russia.
- Information and communication technologies - the mechanism of knowledge translation in modern social and cultural institutions.
- Historical and social memory as the basis of preserving national unity.
- National pride and national identity in the "mirror" of Russian literature.
In addition, the conference will focus on the role and place of libraries and library science in modern information and communications environment.
Organizers: the Russian State Library, the Library Assembly of Eurasia.
The Conference will be held in the form of plenary, sections and round tables. Under the "Rumyantsev Readings" will be held: a round table "Book, defeated the enemy", round table "Problems in modern terminology acquisition" of the Section of the RLA to form library collections, pre-session of the 31 Section of the RLA research project "The contribution of the library as a sociocultural Institute for the preservation of the historical memory of the people. Scientific and historical aspect "and the 32nd Section RBA on Library Management and Marketing "Effective library management: problems and solutions".
Experts from libraries, museums, universities, research institutes, publishing houses, writers, representatives of government agencies and public organizations are welcomed.