To the Day of Orthodox book: Book monuments of the North presented at the virtual exhibition in the Arkhangelsk Regional Library
From 10 to 31 March 2015 in the N. A. Dobrolyubov Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library are held tours through the halls of the virtual museum "Book Monuments of the Arkhangelsk North" to mark the Day of Orthodox books (dedicated to the release date of the first printed book in Russia Ivan Fedorov - "The Apostle", which was published on March 1, 1564 (March 14 - New Style).
Here are presented books created or prevailed in the region in the distant days of our ancestors, and currently stored in museums and libraries of the Arkhangelsk region and other Russian cities.
The Virtual Museum introduces the unique manuscripts and rare printed books of the past centuries, book collections of the northern monasteries and peasant libraries.
The history of the printing on the territory of medieval Russia in the virtual museum is revealed in the Hall "The first printed book in the Russian North", where are presented all preserved in the Arkhangelsk region editions of the XVI century.
The tour through the virtual museum "The first printed apostles of the Arkhangelsk North", created in the form of presentation is first printed in the XVI century in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the apostles, and the apostles by the Solovetsky monastery or belonging to the founder Antony of Siya Monastery Anthony of Siya.