Monuments of book culture: Rare books from the collection of manuscript and early printed book are presented in the Novgorod Museum-Reserve
In the Main building of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve, in the halls of the exhibition “Novgorod in the history of the Russian state” are presented new acquisitions from the collection of manuscript and early printed book. These are thirteen extremely rare and precious books of the XV – early XIX centuries. Visitors of the museum have the opportunity to see rare books until May 29.
Among manuscript books there are eight collections of the XV – XVIII centuries, the content of which is related to the Novgorod history. Among them there is a collection edited by the original story about the appearance of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, the life of the wonders of Zosima and Sabbatius of Solovki, the life of Andrew Holy Fool.
Another part of the manuscripts fills the chronological and thematic gaps in the book collection of the museum. Two collections of sustained composition, intended for home, read and privately monastery was common in Russia for many centuries, “Izmaragd” of the XVI century and “Star Most Lucent” of the end of the XVIII century, were absent in the museum collection.
Of particular interest there are the books written in Veliky Novgorod. The museum collection was supplemented by three lists of the Gospel, of which two are of the XVI century, a third of the XV century, the time of the independence of the Novgorod veche republic. One of the Gospels belonged to Novgorod Perynsky Monastery, and perhaps it was written there. Other “Didactic Facial Gospel” is decorated with 40 thumbnail apostolic Deesis and most venerated saints. The book is a monument of national importance. The design of the monument is unique.