History and culture: The exhibition of Vasily Nesterenko paintings: “Our Glory – Russian Power” in Kolomenskoye
April 18, 2015 in Kolomenskoye (the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve), in the halls of Wholesome yard for visitors starts running the exhibition of paintings "Our Glory - Russian Power", devoted to creativity of People's Artist of Russia, member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Nesterenko.
The exhibition features paintings, dedicated to the history of Russia, its spiritual leaders, historical figures. In his paintings author often refers to the era of the reforms of Peter I, the heroic battles of the Russian people in different periods of Russian history.
In the halls of Wholesome Court are also exhibited landscapes of different periods of the artist. It should be noted that due to the sketches and paintings of famous painter options, included in the exhibition, the viewer is able to see how to change the creative handwriting of the author, to trace the change in his plans, embodied in the well-known paintings. In addition, the canvases devoted to significant dates and events in Russian history, in most cases, are on permanent display in public institutions, private galleries, private offices. They are not easily accessible to a wide audience. The exposition presents options and sketches of the paintings. The exhibition presents paintings dedicated to the glory of the Russian army: "Defend Sevastopol", "Dreams of the Navy", "Getting rid of the Troubles", "Hussar Ballad", "Portrait of a Russian officer", "Moscow greets the Heroes of Poltava", "Triumph of the Russian Fleet". In addition, landscapes, portraits of religious leaders - "St. Tikhon", "Diodorus Patriarch of Jerusalem", as well as paintings on religious subjects, "Assumption", "The Crucifixion" and "Resurrection of Christ", the icon "The image of the Savior in the crown of thorns" are exhibited.
It is presented the landscape painting: "Spring on Mount Athos", "Summer in the Garden of Gethsemane" from the series "Seasons", and - "North Village", "Zaokskie expanses", "Fog over arable land" devoted to the nature of the north and the middle band. Canvases of V. I. Nesterenko always attract the attention of many viewers. His works can be seen in museums, major domestic and international exhibitions.