Libraries and society: Chairman of the State Duma discussed the future of the library system at the meeting with librarians in Moscow
On the All-Russian Library Day on the 27th of May the State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin have met with the representatives of this important profession.
The future library system is the global transition to digital, said participants in the meeting. But paper books do not have to go down in history. The conversation at the building of the Russian State Children's Library (RSCL) went in the direction of overdue changes on this issue.
State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin said that the legislators do not forget about the library system. In particular, we are talking about stimulus for the electronic circulation of books. Lawmakers working on amendments to the Law on compulsory electronic copies of publications, which in digital form should be submitted to the Russian State Library. The amendments have to be adopted until the end of the year.
“The bright future of Russian libraries” is exactly into a global transition "to digital", said Deputy Culture Minister Grigory Ivliev. The plans of the Ministry are in creation of a unified system of "National Digital Library." As a result, the residents of the distant parts of the country will be able to get an access to books at the large Moscow libraries. The project is now being tested, but in July, according to the plans, will work in full force. The rules on book digitizing and the concept of a single library card will be defined in currently preparing amendments on this issue.
Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinskiy, in turn, congratulated the participants with the All-Russian Day of Libraries and expressed his thanks to their endeavors in the Year of Literature.