History and culture: Exhibition featuring the photos of Moscow of the early 20th century
From June 10 to July 19, 2015 the Museum of Moscow runs an exhibition "Yours faithfully, photographer Peter Pavlov."
The core of the exhibition are the works of the famous Moscow photographer of the late 19th - early 20th centuries Peter Pavlov from the private collection of I. Mintusov - Moscow of the early 20th century, on the eve of the major transformations in the city. In 1898, Pavlov began taking photos of historic sites and landmarks of Moscow.
His camera also captured major events in the life of the city: the coronation of Nicholas II, the opening of the monument to Alexander II in the Kremlin, folk celebrations, festivals, and more. In the 1910s, the Moscow city government issued the "Album of buildings owned by the Moscow city public management" of a large format. The album contained photographs by Pavlov, grouped as follows: public education, medical care, public charity, municipal enterprises, etc.
The exhibition "Yours faithfully, photographer P. Pavlov" continues the exhibition project of the Museum of Moscow "Moscow that we have lost," which aroused great interest among Muscovites, historians and ethnographers. The exhibition combines the old and the new – a century-old views of the city and modern pictures taken by employees of the Museum of Moscow. Photos are accompanied by the texts - stories about Moscow buildings and Muscovites, documentary films from the museum collections, and background sound.