To the Day of the Russian National Flag: The exhibition “Flag of Power – Symbol of Glory” in Simferopol
To the Day of the Russian National Flag: The exhibition “Flag of Power – Symbol of Glory” in Simferopol
22 August 2015
August 22, our country celebrates one of the most important and significant events – the Day of the Russian National Flag. This festive date is set by the Decree of the President of Russia on 20 August 1994, in connection with the restoration of August 22, 1991 of the historic three-colored flag, covered with glory many generations of Russians.
On the eve of this important event in the department "Center of promoting reading" of the I. Ya. Franko Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library (Simferopol) was opened a book exhibition "Flag Power – Symbol of Glory". Presented at the exhibition materials reveal the origins of one of the official state symbols of the Russian Federation - Russian flag and dedicated to it holiday.