Information technology and archives: Documents of the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History are digitized
The Russian State Archive of Contemporary History digitized documents of the fund № 89.
In the course of the work was scanned a collection of copies of documents declassified in carrying out thematic inquiries and in the process of research, in 2956 the volume of cases, which is more than 17 000 pages. As a result of the project is established a fund of using documents.
Fund № 89 contains documents on various issues of activity of the CPSU: regulations, decisions, extracts from minutes of meetings of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the party, briefing notes, addresses, telegrams, reports, guidelines, reports, speeches, resolutions, memoranda, reports, political letters and so on.
Cases of the fund № 89 were scanned at the central production site in Moscow, using scanners ELAR PlanScan grade "C". On this equipment the documents are processed without pointing up that provides simplicity and accuracy when working with such materials as archive cases.
The Russian State Archive of Contemporary History as a result of the project has received the electronic images of original fund documents № 89, united with the index data in the process database in the format MS Access, for downloading in its information system.