History of Russia: The book exhibition, dedicated to Novgorod governors of the XIX century

6 December 2015

In the department of local history of the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library to readers' attention was presented the exhibition "Master of the province, century XIX. Novgorod Governors A. U. Denfert (1785-1860), N. P. Arkharov (1740-1814)".

The exhibition features 27 editions, book, including published at the beginning of the XX century magazines, as well as reproductions of portraits of governors, emblem of the Arkharovs with description. Of particular interest to visitors will be travel articles of Catherine the Great, an organization in the territory of the Novgorod province engaged by N. P. Arkharov. Travel in 1785 by order of Empress captures in his watercolors known landscape painter Mikhail Ivanov. With reproductions of watercolors, published in the magazine "Our Heritage", as well as demonstrated at the exhibition.

The exhibition runs until December 23.