The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the book “Don Quixote”, is opened at the Russian State Library

4 December 2015
Source: TASS Culture

The exhibition "The book of all times", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the publication of the novel by Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote", is opened at the Blue Exhibition Hall of the Russian State Library (RSL) on December 4, 2015.

The exhibition features more than 300 books from the library, since the first edition of the novel in 1605.

Visitors will be able to see the Spanish editions of "Don Quixote" of 1617 and 1655, the publication in French of 1769 and their translations - the first translation of the novel into German in 1648, from French into Russian by Vasily Zhukovsky of 1804, and the first translation from Spanish by Constantine Masalsky of 1838.  

Particular attention is paid to the illustrations for the book. For example, the exposition features children's picture books, books with many pictures of the French painter Gustave Dore. Also, visitors will see the publication in 1976 with illustrations by Soviet graphic artist Savva Brodsky. And in the department of cartography of the RSL is presented the map of Spain in 1706 hand-colored, which will complement the exhibition.