Society and culture: The literary and museum exposition “Pure Book” dedicated to the writer Feodor Abramov, in Saint-Petersburg
April 25, 2016 in New building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) was opened the literary-museum exhibition "Pure book", dedicated to the writer Fyodor Abramov.
The "Net book" is conducted by the N. A. Dobrolyubov Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library since 2013, among its members is the Arkhangelsk Regional Museum and its branches: the F. A. Abramov Verkola literary-memorial museum and the Pinezhsky History Museum, the National Archives of the Arkhangelsk region, TV and Radio Company "Pomorie", the Institute of History of Material Culture, schools and libraries. The purpose of the project - in the form of exposition and exhibition work to provide the public with a philosophical idea of unfinished works of F. Abramov's "Pure book". The exposition was opened on February 28, 2015 on the day of the 95th anniversary of Fyodor Abramov in the Arkhangelsk Regional Library.
"Net Book" - a testament to future generations of the writer, F. Abramov’s reflections about the fate of Russia. In 1998, the novel was published in the "Neva" magazine, and in 2000 book was published. The Arkhangelsk Regional Library re-released "Pure book" in the series "Northern Library." This latest edition will be presented at the opening ceremony.
The exhibition is timed to the Day of memory of F. A. Abramov and is also part of the project of the Center of reading of the NLR "Common cultural space of Russia" in which St. Petersburg residents will get acquainted with the educational projects of the provincial Russian publishers and libraries with new books published and received public recognition in the various regions of the country.