Libraries and society: International conference “Rumyantsev readings – 2016” is held at the Russian State Library in Moscow

12 April 2016

The International scientific-practical conference of the Russian State Library "Rumyantsev Readings - 2016" is held in Moscow on 12-13 April 2016.

The purpose of "Rumyantsev Readings - 2016" – is to draw attention to the problems of the functioning of libraries in the modern historical period, their role in the implementation of the state cultural policy; contribute to the search for ways of innovative development and expansion of cooperation between cultural institutions, education and science.

Issues for discussion:

- The science of the library and the library of science;

- Scientific-methodical activity of libraries: realities and prospects;

- Preparation of the library staff. The responsibility of universities and libraries;

- Preservation and restoration of library collections in the XXI century;

- The National Electronic Library in library system of Russia;

- Library in the Information Society. Wednesday, forming a library and a library forming the environment. New mechanisms of knowledge broadcast;

- Study of the funds and collections of libraries as a cultural heritage.

Also at the conference will be traditionally considered a wide range of issues on the theory and practice of book science, library science, bibliography, history of manuscripts and printed books, library history and formation of their funds. 

The conference is held in the form of plenary sessions, sections and round table meetings. Within the framework of "Rumyantsev Readings" will be held: an international round table dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the CIS and the CIS Year of Education "National Library and a common information space of the CIS: the challenges of time and prospects""; round table "Digital Library in the context of library activities: state of standardization" Section RBA formation of library collections, pre-session meeting of the 32nd Section RBA on Library Management and Marketing "Effective library management: problems and solutions", a round table "The role of libraries in the information support history of science".

To participate in the conference are invited experts of libraries, archives, museums, universities, research institutes, publishers, representatives of state structures and public organizations.